Economic traits
The descriptive statistics for all traits for each genetic group and pooled are shown in Table 1. Desi cross 1 performed substantially better (P<0.05) than Desi cross2 and Punjab Red for egg production traits, especially egg production at 40
th and 52
nd week of age. For age at sexual maturity Desi cross1 (156.87±1.14 days) performed better than Desi cross2 (164.76±1.73) and Punjab Red (165.37±1.51 days) as lower age at sexual maturity is desirable trait in layer chicken. Desi cross 1 may be considered for rural poultry farming in Punjab and nearby states of the country.
Kiani-Manesh et al., (2002) also suggested that age at sexual maturity, number of eggs, egg weight and body weight at eight weeks of age are the most important traits for improving the economic efficiency of rural chickens.
Phenotypic correlations
The magnitude of correlation coefficient ranges from -0.25 to 0.87. The values of all the correlation were found to be positive except between BW1-20 week and ASM is negative but it is desirable because sooner the bird attains sexual maturity, it becomes more productive. There is positive correlation between BW40 and ASM but negative correlation was observed between BW40 with EP40 and EP52 because less body weight leads to low egg production. Among all correlation, five (EP40-BW1, EP40-BW2, EP40-BW3, EP40-FEW and EP40-BW14) were highly significant (P<0.01). Similar trend was depicted by
Nigussie et al., (2011) for the associations between the phenotypic performance of body weight growth and total egg production at 44 weeks of age in Horro chicken. The phenotypic correlation of age at sexual maturity was positive with FEW and negatively correlated with 40-week egg production (-0.479±0.03), 52-week egg production (-0.431±0.03), 40-week egg weight (-0.058±0.04), 52-week egg weight (-0.012±0.04) and body weight at sexual maturity (-0.013±0.04). However, contrary results were observed by
Liu et al., (2019) for ASM with 40-week egg production and 52-week egg production.
Principal component analysis
Principal component analysis were applied to 25 economic traits of three different genetic groups (Desi Cross 1, Desi Cross 2 and Punjab Red). The measurement of sampling adequacy was found to be 0.95 which was estimated by Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin method. This value represents that whether each factor has enough data to give reliable results for PCA. The value should more than 0.6 and desirable value should be more than 0.8
(Tabachnick and Fitell, 2013). To maximize the sum of loading squares varimax rotation method
(Fernandez, 2002) was applied. The overall significance of correlation matrix was tested by Bartlett’s test of sphericity and chi-square value was highly significant (P<0.01) and estimated as 20910.58. The sum of square loadings was extracted by PCA, Eigenvalues (Fig 1) and variation explained by each component is given in Table 2. Out of total 25 components three components were extracted using Kaiser rule criterion
(Johnson and Wichern, 1982) for determination of number of significant components. A total variance of 75.524% was explained by three principal components (PC1, PC2 and PC3) which were having Eigen value more than 1. The variability of individual traits was as per explained by PCA
(Mavule et al., 2013). The component plot of the three components in rotated space is shown in Fig 2.
In current study, the first principal component (PC1) explained for 38.89% of the total variance. First principal component (PC1) described the body weight 10th week to 20th week (BW 10-BW 20) and BWSM in crossbred layer chicken. It was represented by a very high component loading for BW18
, BW19 and BW20. Findings of
Yakubu et al., (2009) revealed total variation of 85% was explained by body weight.
Egena et al., (2014) found similar results with PC1 explaining 38.3% total variation.
Saikhom et al., (2018) shows similar result with body weight explaining 60.2% total variation.
Yakubu and Ari (2018) concluded the result that explained body weight has maximum share of total variance (92%).
Vilakazi et al., (2020) revealed principal component 1 has large share on body weight.
The second principal component (PC2) explained for 27.072% of total variation with high loads on 1 week body weight to 9-week body weight (BW1-BW9). Similar results were reported by
Yakubu et al., (2009), Yakubu and Ari (2018) and
Vilakazi et al. (2020) in which PC2 has large share on body weight. The third principal component (PC3) explained 9.560% of total variance and had high loads on age at sexual maturity, 40-week egg production and 52-week egg production.
Yamaki et al., (2009) and
Savegnago et al., (2011) also shown similar results in which age at sexual maturity had its load on principal component.
Table 3 represents the coefficient of principal component analysis of rotated component matrix. The different weights were assigned by PC1 and PC2 to all the biometric traits which were having positive sign except age at sexual maturity (ASM). The PC3 gave different weights with negative sign to BW1 week, BW40 week, ASM and BWSM. All the other traits had positive sign. The communalities ranged between 0.040 (BW40) to 0.89 (EP40). The traits like BW40, BW1, BW2, BW3 and ASM had lower communality indicating that these traits are less effective in explaining the economic traits in layer chicken. From this study it was concluded that implementation of PCA can be done in breeding programme for selection of crossbred layer birds and performance trait can be predicted and evaluated using principal components.