Growth characters of paddy
Plant height of paddy (cm)
Mean plant height was significantly influenced by different transplanting times presented in Table 1. The
Kharif paddy transplanted during 28th MW has recorded significantly maximum plant height at harvest. This might be due to congenial climatic conditions for better seedling and further growth and development of the
Kharif paddy crop. These results were in accordance with
Saikia et al., (1989), Paraye and Kandalkar (1994),
Rakesh and Sharma (2004) and
Dileep et al., (2018).
Mean plant height was significantly influenced up to harvesting due to different varieties. The significantly maximum plant height was observed at harvest with the variety Phule Samruddhi (87.5 cm) over the rest of the varieties. This might be due to varietal characters, earlier same reported by
Dileep et al., (2018),
Suryavanshi (2015),
Halimi et al., (2018) and
Shende et al., (2020).
nteraction effect between transplanting times and different varieties of paddy was found significant in respect of the mean plant height of paddy shown in Table 2. Variety Phule Samruddhi when transplanted during 28th MW recorded significantly higher plant height at 15 DAT (32.3 cm), 30 DAT (51.6 cm), 45 DAT (67.8 cm), 60 DAT (84.7 cm), 75 DAT (97.4 cm), 90 DAT (99.4 cm), 105 DAT (100 cm) and at harvest (100.6 cm) however it was at par with Indrayani transplanted during 28th MW at all the growth stages except at 30 and 45 DAT as well as with same variety transplanted during 26
th MW at 15 and 30 DAT only.
Correlation between weather parameters and plant height
The correlation between parameters with growth characters shown in Table 4 and weekly weather meteorological data recorded during experiment period is presented in Table 3. Paddy variety Phule Samruddhi recorded maximum plant height due to varietal characters and weather conditions during that period.
The correlation between weather parameters and plant height revealed a significant negative correlation in case of maximum temperature from 30 DAT to harvesting, in bright sun hour from 15 DAT to harvesting and in case of GDD 30 DAT to 60 DAT. The Highly significant positive correlation found with T min 45 DAT, 60 DAT to at harvest, in RH-I 90 DAT and at harvest, in RH-II from 15 DAT to at harvest and in rainfall from 30 DAT to at harvest. The results found similar to
Chandra et al., (2009).
Effect on number of tillers plant-1
Number of tillers plant
-1 was significantly influenced due to different transplanting times at harvest presented in Table 1. The transplanting of paddy seedlings at 28
th MW recorded the significantly higher number of tillers (16) over the rest of the transplanting times. The transplanting of paddy at 26
th MW performed second-best treatment to produce the significantly higher number of tillers (14) plant
-1 than 30
th MW and 32
nd MW. The lowest number of tillers (8) were observed when transplanting was done 32
nd MW. These results were in accordance with
Rakesh and Sharma (2004),
Akram et al., (2007), Kabir et al., (2014) and
Singh et al., (2019).
The maximum number of tillers plant
-1 (17) was found with the variety Phule Samruddhi which was significantly superior over the rest of the paddy varieties. The variety Phule Radha recorded the significantly lower number of tillers plant-1 (8) than the remaining varieties. These findings were collaborative with the earlier reported by
Suryavanshi (2015),
Halimi et al., (2018) and
Shende et al., (2020).
Interaction effects of paddy transplanting times and varieties were significantly influenced number of tillers plant
-1 shown in Table 2. The transplanting of the variety Phule Samruddhi paddy in 28
th MW (2
nd week of July) was recorded the highest number of tillers plant
-1 (21) than the rest of treatment combinations while the lowest in variety Phule Radha in 32
nd MW (06).
Correlation between weather parameters and number of tillers plant-1
Correlation between parameters with growth characters presented in Table 4 and weekly weather meteorological data recorded during experiment period is presented in Table 3. The variety Phule Samruddhi recorded the maximum number of tillers plant
-1 due to varietal characters and weather conditions during that period. The correlation between weather parameters and the number of tillers plant
-1 revealed the significant negative correlation in the case of maximum temperature (r=-0.630**) and bright sunshine hour (r=0.612**). Significant positive correlation with T min, RH-I, RH-II and rainfall founded r=0.586*, r=0.537*, r=0.643** and r=0.645**, respectively. The results found similar to
Chandra et al., (2009).