Neither profit nor yield suffers from the balanced use of fertilizer. The imbalanced use of fertilizer value leads to deficiency in expediting the soil nutrients. To make the ideal use of the fertilizer we have used the method NBD.
Newton backward difference
We know that the conventional approach to distributing fertilizer is a tedious task on the farm. It also wastes fertilizer. With this method, it is never predicted how much fertilizers are utilized, sometimes it is more than crop requirements and sometimes it is less than crop requirements. If the fertilizer use is less than required then crop yield is not proper, if fertilizer uses is more than the requirement, it can lead to soil infertility. To address the issue of accurate usage of the fertilizers as per crop requirement, NBD is the most feasible solution. Along with this, in NBD, as we are working on mean values between spatially apart crops, the node requirement is less.
Ex: If we consider the total farm area 1 acre. In sq/ft it is 40000 sq/ft which converted to the sq/m leads to 4046 sq/m. The node range can sense the parameter maximum up to 5 sq/m. 750 to 800 nodes will be required to cover the total farm. It leads to an increase in cost and is difficult to maintain. To reduce these high no. of nodes we can make use of an alternate method that can give us more distance between two nodes with accurate parameters value.
To address the above issue NBD can be used. It is based on an equidistance approach which takes the mean value between the nodes. If we place the position of the nodes apart from each other 100 sq/m (4046/100) we will require only 40 nodes. If we kept it apart from 50 sq/m (4046/50) still it will require only 80 nodes. The requirement of nodes is drastically get reduced if you compare it with the conventional approach.
The task is to find the value of the unknown function y at a given point x. The NBD method finds the approximate value of y at a given value of x as shown in Table 1.
Let the function y=f(x) take the values y0, y1, y2, ¼ corresponding to the values x0, x0+h, x0+ 2h, ¼ of x. Suppose it is required to evaluate f(x) for x =x+ph, where p is any real number. Then we have
E p f (x) =f (x + ph)
This is known as Newton’s backward difference formula for interpolation, which gives the value of f (xn + ph) in terms of f(xn) and its leading differences. This formula is also known as the Newton-Gregory Backward difference interpolation formula.
NBD (∇y, Nv, Pv, Kv, Cv, Tv)
1. Start
2. Reads NPK values from the field by using Rapitest 1818 Mini 4 in 1 Soil Tester.
3. Arduino signal conditioner for noise reduction and Analog to Digital conversion for the received data.
4. Save the values in the database.
5. Stow the threshold values.
6. Compute the average of NPK values using NBD.
7. Equate the calculated value with the threshold value.
8. If Cv < Tv
Start fertilizer distribution
Cv => Tv
Stop fertilizer distribution
9. Repeat steps 1 to 8
Xv: Sensor value ∇y: Current reading
Nv: Nitrogen value Pv: Phosphorus value
Kv: Potassium value Cv: Calculated value
Tv: Threshold value
Mathematical conversions used
· 1 hectare = 2.47 acres
· 1 kilogram / hectare =0.0001 kg/m2
· Per day fertilizer distribution calculation

· 4 weeks fertilizer distribution= Standard % used during the entire cultivation period
· N=6.29*1.27
· P=25*1.27
· K=12.59*1.27
Experiment setup
The main focus of the authors is on developing an automated fertilizer distribution system that provides more facilities by reducing farmers’ intervention. The system is adequate to dispense the needed N/P/K value based on the brink value.
The experiment was conducted for the last three years (2017-2020) in the Agrotech farm of MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune. The tomato crop was used to take the readings. The multipurpose rapitest 1818 Mini 4 in 1 Soil Tester pH NPK Light Moisture meter is used. The meter takes the available readings from the soil which is combined for N, P and K fertilizer. After every 8 days, readings have been taken for getting the average value. The reading values that we have taken are in analog form. Digital values are wished-for future computations so that we are the usage of ADC to convert analog values to digital form. It makes use of a 10bit register for calculating. The sensor unit acquires facts from ADC and is ahead of it to the base station through the microcontroller as shown in Fig 1. Microcontrollers consist of PU, RAM, ROM. The microcontroller works on TTL protocol and our base-station unit works on binary values, so for transmission between micro-controller and base-station, we are the use of Arduino Uno R3. It works on serial communication. The combined value is then stored on the ThingSpeak channel for 24/7 access. There are a total of 2 Master and 4 slave nodes were used for the said setup. Two slave nodes namely M1S1 and M1S2 connected to the Master M1. The remaining two slave nodes M2S1 and M2S2 connected to the Master M2. At every node, the processing is done concerning the crop. As we are using NBD interpolation the master nodes are responsible for making all the final computations. The value which is processed at the master node is then compared with the threshold as per the algorithm. If the value is less than the threshold the wall gets “ON” automatically and the required value for the primary fertilizer (N/P/K) provided by the system.