Survey and collection
A roving survey was conducted during
Kharif 2016-17 in five clusterbean growing districts of Rajasthan
viz., Bikaner, Barmer, Churu, Hanumangarh and Jaipur. The survey was carried out in two villages from one tehsil of each district. During the survey, discussions were held with the farmers concerned about the disease’s occurrence and incidence. During the survey,the disease intensity of Alternaria blight of clusterbean was recorded from 21.17 to 40.17 per cent in all surveyed areas of Rajasthan.
Isolation, purification and identification
Isolation of the pathogen from diseased plants of clusterbean collected from farmers’ fields was done on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. After seven days of incubation at 25±1°C, the growth of the fungus was obtained. Pure culture of the pathogen, obtained by single sporing on water agar, yielded
Alternaria cyamopsidis. The colonies were profused, dark-blackish brown or greyish black velvety. Hyphae were branched, septate, hyaline at first, later turn brown-black to olivaceous - black or brown in colour. Hypha is 2.81 to 4.45 µ width. Conidiophores were arising in groups, greyish olive in color, septate, geniculate, and prominent scar at each geniculation.
Conidia were smooth to echinulated, greyish olive coloured, straight, some time with a curved beak, obclavate, borne singly or in chains of upto three conidia, muriform with measuring length 95.433 - 210.791 µ (Av. 173.402 µ) x width 16.135 - 26.543 (Av. 20.682 µ). The conidial body tapers abruptly to the junction with the beak. The conidial beak is filiform, septate, lighter in colour as compared to the conidial body, 0-3 septate. The beaks were usually long, varying ½ to 1 ½ times the length of conidium. The beak is bulbous at the base and rapidly narrowing towards the apex. On the basis of measurement and other morphological characters with the help of fluorescence microscopy and based on literature, the pathogen was identified as
Alternaria cyamopsidis Rang. and
(Rangaswami and Rao, 1957 and
Orellana and Simmons, 1965). Similarly, isolation of pathogen on PDA was reported by
Singh and Prasad (1973). The cultural characters of
Alternaria cyamopsidis normal longitudinal and transverse septa. The findings are in confirmation with those of
Rangaswami and Rao (1957) and
Orellana and Simmons (1965).
Cultural an
d morphologicalvariability
The cultural characteristics such as shape, colour and size of the colony and morphological features such as the size of conidia and septation were recorded for different isolates of
cyamopsidis by growing them on PDA medium.
The results showed that isolates of
cyamopsidis differ in their colony characters, colony colour and colony diameter (Table 3). Out of ten isolates, AlcyJp1 (collected from Tyod village of Phulera tehsil of Jaipur district) showed maximum colony diameter (89.50 followed by AlcyJp2 (86.30 mm), AlcyCh1 (85.60 mm), AlcyHg2 (83.50 mm), AlcyHg1 (82.30 mm), AlcyCh2 (80.10 mm), AlcyBr1 (76.30 mm), AlcyBk1 (74.50 mm) and AlcyBk2 (65.80 mm) while isolate AlcyBr2 showed minimum colony diameter (60.50 mm) after seven days of incubation.Isolate AlcyJp1 showed greyish white colony colour, fluffy white growth with a smooth greyish margin. Isolate AlcyJp2 showed gray center, blackish gray velvety growth with smooth grayish margin but isolate AlcyBr2 showed grayish centre, white, black cottony growth with the white periphery.
Morphological observations of each isolate revealed that all the isolates vary in their spore length and width. In general, spore length and width were found in between 95.433 to 210.791 µ and 16.135 to 26.543 µ, respectively. In contrast, the number of horizontal and vertical septa varied between 6 to 8 and 2 to 5, respectively (Table 2). The AlcyJp1 isolate showed maximum length and width of conidia 210.791 µ and 26.543 µ, respectively.whereas isolate AlcyBk2 showed minimum length and width of conidia 95.433 µ and 16.135 µ, respectively.
The maximum number of horizontal septa (8) were observed in AlcyJp1, AlcyJp2, AlcyHg1, AlcyHg2 and AlcyCh2 isolates and minimum number in AlcyBk2 and AlcyCh1 isolates, respectively. Vertical septa were maximum (5) in AlcyJp1 isolate and minimum (2) in AlcyBk1, AlcyBk2, AlcyBr1 and AlcyCh1 isolates.
Pathogenic variability
Results presented in Table 4 revealed that all the isolates were pathogenic to clusterbean and produced characteristic symptoms of the disease. The mean per cent disease intensity was highest (63.38%) with Jaipur isolates followed by Hanumangarh isolates (56.50%), Barmer isolates (44.52%) and Churu isolates (38.74%). The minimum mean per cent disease intensity was in Bikaner (36.51%) isolates. The overall mean disease intensity of the five districts was 47.93 per cent.
Among these isolates AlcyJp1 was found to be most virulent and produced maximum (65.50%) disease intensity followed by AlcyJp2 isolate (61.22%), AlcyHg1 isolate (58.66%), AlcyHg2 isolate (54.33%), AlcyBr2 isolate (46.71%), AlcyBr1 isolate (42.33%), AlcyCh2 isolate (40.31%), AlcyBk1 isolate (38.33%) and AlcyCh1 isolate (37.17%) whereas AlcyBk2 isolate was found less virulent with minimum disease intensity (34.69%).
Phenotypic, Cultural and pathogenic variability among isolates of different species of
Alternaria has also been reported by several workers
(Sharma and Pandey, 2012, Shekhawat et al., 2013,
Meena et al., 2014,
Singh et al., 2014 and
Nikam et al., 2015).