Effect of spacing and levels of phosphorus on growth parameters
The growth parameters were significantly influenced by spacing (Table 1). Spacing at 30 x 10 cm recorded the tallest plant height (48.10 cm), followed by 40 x 10 cm spacing and the shortest plant height was observed at 20 x 10 cm spacing at harvesting. The probable reason for tallest plant height at 30 x 10 cm spacing could be more utilization of energy properly in branching because there was less competition of light while in case of 20 x 10 cm spacing, there was insufficient utilization of light energy by the plant and due the inter plant shading along the row. The results were similar with the findings of
Sonani (2016). The highest value of number of leaves per plant (5.47) was recorded at spacing 30 x 10 cm and the lowest value was recorded at 20 x 10 cm spacing respectively. Significantly highest values of shoot dry weight (2.88 g plant
-1) were recorded at spacing 30 x 10 cm. This might be owing due to better utilization of available growth resources
viz., nutrient, moisture and solar radiation to a greater extent and accumulation of photosynthates. Similar findings were observed by
Mandal (2012). Leaf area index was also influenced significantly by different spacing and the highest value (2.88) was recorded at spacing 30 x 10 cm, followed by 40 x 10 cm spacing and the lowest values were recorded at 20 x 10 cm spacing. The highest value of Leaf are Index at 30 x 10 cm might have been attributed to more branches plant
-1 which resulted in more leaves leading to higher LA. Similar findings were observed by
Sathyamoorthi et al., (2008). The highest value of crop growth rate (5.98 g m
-2 day
-1) was recorded at spacing 20 x 10 cm, followed by spacing at 40 x 10 cm and lowest was recorded at spacing 20 x 10 cm. Higher number of plants was accommodated under 20 x 10 cm plant geometry and this could have resulted in higher CGR.
The growth parameters of green gram were also significantly affected due to different levels of phosphorus (Table 1). The highest values of plant height (49.37 cm), number of leaves per plant (5.73), shoot dry weight (3.34 g plant
-1), leaf area index (3.34) and crop growth rate (6.37 g m
-2 day
-1) were significantly higher with application of 40 kg P
5 ha
-1, followed by application of 60 kg ha
-1, 40 kg ha
-1 and the lowest values were observed at application of 0 level of phosphorus. The increased in the parameters at 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 might have been on account of stimulation of root growth of the crop as phosphorus plays an important role in various physiological process including root development, nodulation and N- fixation, better utilization of available growth resources
viz., nutrient, moisture and solar radiation to a greater extent and accumulation of photosynthates. Similar results were also observed by
Kadam and Khanvikar (2015),
Sathyamoorthi et al., (2008) and
Sipai et al., (2015).
Effect of spacing and levels of phosphorus on yield and yield parameters
The yield and yield attributes of green gram markedly influenced with spacing (Table 2). Spacing at 30 x 10 cm recorded significantly highest values of pods plant
-1 (17.00) and length of pods (6.81 cm). The higher values of the parameters may be explained in term of rapid growth, more branching and dry matter production. It corroborated with the findings of
Kabir and Sarkar (2008). The highest values of seed yield (688.54 kg ha
-1), stover yield (1917.81kg ha
-1) and harvest index (26.36%) was also observed at spacing 30 x 10 cm followed by spacing at 40 x 10 cm and lowest values was recorded at spacing 20 x 10 cm. The highest seed yield at 30 x 10 cm spacing resulted mainly due to higher number of branches plant
-1 and number of pods plant
-1. Similar findings were also observed by
Rasul et al., (2012) and
Yadav (2004). The number of seeds per pod and test weight were not significantly influenced by spacing.
The yield and yield attributes,
viz. number of pods per plant, length of pods, seed yield, stover yield and harvest index were influenced significantly by levels of phosphorus, but number of seeds per pod and test weight showed non-significant effect (Table 2). Application 0f 40 kg P2O5 kg ha
-1 recorded significantly highest values of number of pods (17.56), length of pods (6.91 cm), seed yield (737.42 kg ha
-1) and stover yield (1973.01 kg ha
-1) than other levels of phosphorus and all the parameters recorded lowest values at 0 level of phosphorus. The highest values of the parameters at 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 might due to the primary role of phosphorus in photosynthesis by way of rapid energy transfer and thereby increased photosynthetic efficiency and thus increased the availability of photosynthesis. This resulted in increase in the total biomass production and there translocation in plant parts. These altogether resulted in to overall increase in the above characters. Similar findings were also observed by
Patel et al., (2013) and
Sipai et al. (2015). Harvest index varied significantly due to spacing, where highest value (26.36%) was recorded at 30 x 10 cm spacing which was at par with 20 x 10 cm spacing and the lowest value (25.21%) was observed at 20 x 10 cm spacing.
Available soil NPK (kg ha-1)
Application of different levels of phosphorus showed significant influenced on the available NPK in the soil (Table 3). The highest available N (273.53 kg ha
-1), P
5 (29.19 kg ha
-1) and K (250.86 kg ha
-1) in the soil was observed in the treatment 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 and the lowest value was observed at control. These findings are in close conformity with the findings by
Sipai et al. (2015) where they reported that application of 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 resulted in the maximum building up of available N, P
5, K
2O content in soil after harvest of crop, which was significantly superior to the rest of levels of P.
Total Nutrient (NPK) uptake by the plant (kg ha-1)
Application of different levels of phosphorus also showed significant influenced on total N, P and K uptake by green gram (Table 3). The highest total uptake N (46.61 kg ha
-1), P
5 (5.26 kg ha
-1) and K (20.59 kg ha
-1) was observed in the treatment 40 kg P
5 ha
-1 and the lowest value was observed at control. The application of phosphorus might have improved the nutritional environment in rhizhosphere as well, as in plant system leading to increased uptake and translocation of nutrients especially of N, P and K in the reproductive structures which led to higher content and uptake. Similar findings were observed by
Kumawat et al. (2009) and
Sipai et al. (2015).
Economics analysis
The data on the effect of spacing and levels of phosphorus in the economics is presented (Table 4). Among the plots the highest net return (₹ 34685.26 ha
-1) and BCR of 3.93 were recorded with treatment combinations of S
2 (spacing of 30 cm x 10 cm with 40 kg P
5 ha
-1) followed by S
2 (₹ 31427.54 ha
-1) with BCR value of 3.56. The lowest net return (₹ 20225.68 ha
-1) with BCR Value of 2.38 was realised in S
0 (spacing of 20 cm x 10 cm with 0 level of P
5). Higher net returns and BCR value of S
2 was due to higher seed and stover yield.