Productivity and resource efficiency of Mashobra Block
Table 1.1 explains the productivity analysis of the Mashobra block and it can be revealed from the Table that the average per hectare productivity and average production of apple for the ten years is 1.5661(M.T) and 2501 (M.T) whereas, CAGR for apple production and Per hectare productivity is concern it is showing negative results with -1.65 and -4.47 percent growth rate. As far as production area is concern it is showing growth rate of 2.96 percent annually which is fourth highest however in average per hectare productivity and average production of apple (M.T) block is last and second last among all the other blocks. When one look towards the resource efficiency it came to the picture from the Graph 1.1 that land and output are showing positive trends with elasticity coefficient of 1.61 therefore explaining that with increase in 1.00 percent land output is increasing by 1.61 per cent which is less but looks average when compare to four blocks which is showing negative results hence putting a block in sixth position among all.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Basantpur Block
Apple productivity of Basantpur can be observed from the given Table 1.2 and it was revealed from the Table that the Average productivity of the Basantpur for given ten years is 1596 (MT) which is minimum and average per hectare productivity for ten years is 2.1080 (M.T) which is second lowest among all the other blocks. However when one look towards CAGR of Basantpur block it was found that apple production (M.T) and per hectare production (M.T) is showing negative results with -1.43 and -3.20 percent annual growth rate which is low but looks fine as compare to other blocks whose production is going down by -7.93,-7.39,-5.50 percent. Whereas when one look it statically it was revealed from the Graph 1.2 that land and production are positively related with each other and the line is suggesting resource efficiency with elasticity coefficient of 2.09 which specifies that with 1.00 percent increase in land output is increasing by 2.09 percent which looks fair compared to other blocks and is fifth best among all the other blocks whose coefficient values are negative and showing resource inefficiency.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Jubbal & Kotkhai Block
From the Table 1.3 one can understand the apple productivity of the block and it can be observed from the Table that the average production of given block is 106237.951 (M.T) and average per hectare apple productivity is 14.7297 (M.T) which is highest among all the blocks, but when one look towards the CAGR of block it is revealing the negative results with -7.69,-5.24 percent growth rate for annual per hectare production (M.T) and apple production (M.T) whereas land area is increasing by 2.65 percent hence, revealing the decreasing performance.As far as resource efficiency is concern with coefficient value of -7.32 which has been statically examined in the Graph 1.3 therefore revealing negative picture hence specifies that marginal production of land of given block which is going down by -7.32 (M.T) with every increase in 1-hectare land which is third lowest compare to other blocks and raise a very big question on resource efficiency.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Chiragon Block
One can see in the Table 1.4 apple productivity of the Chirgaon block and it can be observed that the average apple productivity for 10 years in the given block was 32861.44 (M.T) with average per hectare productivity of 8.1973 (M.T). As far as CAGR is concern block is showing negative results with -1.07, -4.09 percent growth rate for apple production (M.T) and per hectare production (M.T), however area under production is increasing by 3.15 percent. When one compare block with others, it has been found that in average, per hectare production block is fourth and fifth best whereas in CAGR Block it is at third position for apple production (M.T) and area under production (Hectares) among all the other blocks. When one look towards the land and output relation of the Chiragon block, it has been revealed from the Graph 1.4 that they are positively related with coefficient value of 10.32 which specifies the positive impact of land on apple production therefore production increase by 10.32 percent with every 1.00 percent increase in land and is third highest among all the blocks.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Theog Block
When one look towards the block Theog of district Shimla for apple productivity it can be observed from the Table 1.5 that average production of the block is 30375.26 (M.T) for given time period with average area under production of 4180.611 (Hectares) and average per hectare productivity of 7.3153 (M.T). Whereas when one look towards the CAGR of Apple production (M.T) and per hectare production (M.T) it is showing negative growth of -5.50 and -7.54 percent. As far as land efficiency is concern from Graph 1.5 it can be revealed that block Theog is showing a decreasing trends with co-efficient value of -4.22 which specifies the marginal productivity of land hence explains that by increasing 1 hectare of land output is going down by -4.27 (M.T) therefore revealing picture of resource inefficiency. When one compares the block with all the other blocks it looks fair from Average and Per hectare production point of view but when it comes to CAGR and elasticity coefficient it shows percent. When one compare block with others, it has been found that in average, per hectare production block is fourth and fifth best whereas in CAGR Block it is at third position for apple production (M.T) and area under production (Hectares) among all the other blocks. When one look towards the land and output relation of the Chiragon block, it has been revealed from the Graph 1.4 that they are positively related with coefficient value of 10.32 which negative results with weak production and resource efficiency and is the four least performing blocks.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Nankhari Block
Table 1.6 is revealing the Apple productivity of block Nankhari and it has been found that the average production of apple in the block is 19905.628 (M.T) with the average area under crop production of 1959.71 (Hectares) which is third lowest among all the blocks. As far as average per hectare productivity is concern it is 10.13 (M.T) which is third highest among all the other blocks. However, CAGR is concern it reveals that block is second best among all the other blocks with -0.42 and 3.83 percent growth rate in apple production and area under production. As far as input and output relation of Nankhari block in concern Graph 1.6 is showing positive relation with coefficient value of 10.67 which specifies that with every increase in input land (Hectares) output increase by 10.67 (M.T) hence concludes the efficiency of resource which is second highest among all the other blocks.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Rohru Block
Apple productivity trend of Rohru can be seen from the Table 1.7 and it reveals that the average apple productivity of the block for last ten years is 60533.68 (M.T) and the average per hectare productivity for the given years is 10.88 (M.T) which is second largest among all the blocks. As far as average area under fruit productivity is concern it is 5546.683 (Hect). However, when one look towards CAGR it was found that Rohru is the only block with positive 0.25 percent growth rate and highest in Annual per hectare productivity with -1.55 percent growth among all the other blocks. One can also understand from the Graph 1.7 about land and output relation of concern block and found that relation is positive with coefficient value of 19.12 which is highest among all the blocks and tells the resource efficiency of the study area.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Chopal Block
Apple production analysis of Chopal block can be seen in the Table 1.8 and it can be revealed from the Table that average productivity of apple for last 10 years is 27688.977 (M.T) with Average area under crop production is 3538.06 (Hectares). However average per hectare productivity of the Chopal block is 7.944 (M.T) with highest of 17.4528 (M.T) per hectare and lowest of 3.3985 (M.T).As far as CAGR is concern with -7.39 and -9.78 percent block is showing negative growth rate for apple production (M.T) and per hectare productivity (M.T). However, from the Graph 1.8 one can understand the negative relation between land and production with the coefficient value of - 9.927 which shows that with every 1.00 percent increase in input (Land) output is decreasing by 9.9 percent which specifies decreasing returns hence resource inefficiency. When comparing chopal block with the others it has been found that blocks resource efficiency is not good as its compound annual growth rate and elasticity coefficient is negative and is second least performing block.
Productivity and resource efficiency of Narkanda Block
Table 1.9 reveals the Apple productivity of Narkanda block from which one can understand that the average apple productivity for given 10 years is 36408 (M.T) with the maximum of 67850 (M. T) and minimum of 15456 (M. T) however average per hectare productivity of Block is 7. 317 (M.T). When one look towards blocks performance as compare to others it was discovered that on the given parameters (average and per hect. productivity) it looks normal with third and seventh position but when one looks towards the CAGR it reveals that with -7.34 growth rate of apple production (M.T) block is last and with -9.14 per hect. production (M.T) growth rate block is second last among all the other the blocks. As far as resource efficiency is concern one can observe land inefficiency from the Graph 1.9 where output is decreasing by -18.20 percent with every increase of land by 1.00 percent which is lowest among all the blocks
Productivity and resource efficiency of Rampur Block
Table 1.10 is showing the apple productivity of Rampur block and can be seen from the Table that the average productivity of apple is 27964.1(M.T) for given 10 years with minimum of 8598 (M.T) and maximum of 67821 (M.T), however average per hectare apple productivity for 10 years is concern it is 8.8508 (M.T). As far as CAGR in apple production (M.T) and area under production is concern with -1.16 and 5.16 percent growth rate block is at fourth and first position among all the other blocks .When it comes to resource efficiency the Graph 1.10 reveals the input and output relationship of the block and with the elasticity coefficient of 7.73 it confirms increasing return with positive resource efficiency. Therefore, one can conclude that block performance is fine as it is showing good per hectare production with fair compound annual production compare to other blocks. It can also be observed that it is the only block where CAGR for area under production is highest and with elasticity coefficient of 7.73 it is the fourth best block in the marginal productivity of land among all the other blocks.