Agricultural Science Digest

  • Chief EditorArvind kumar

  • Print ISSN 0253-150X

  • Online ISSN 0976-0547

  • NAAS Rating 5.52

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Agricultural Science Digest, volume 34 issue 1 (march 2014) : 41-44


N.P. Dohroo, Meenu Gupta*
1Department of Vegetable Science, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Nauni, Solan-173 230, India
Cite article:- Dohroo N.P., Gupta* Meenu (2025). EFFECT OF BIOAGENTS ON MANAGEMENT OF RHIZOME DISEASES, PLANT GROWTH PARAMETERS AND NEMATODE POPULATION IN GINGER. Agricultural Science Digest. 34(1): 41-44. doi: 10.5958/j.0976-0547.34.1.008.
Efficacy of different fungal and bacterial biocontrol agents against rhizome diseases of ginger as well as nematode population vis-à-vis plant growth parameters was determined under field conditions. Combined applications of bioagents were more effective in reducing the disease incidence than the individual treatments. Trichoderma harzianum+ Pseudononas fluorescens + Bacillus subtilis gave minimum disease incidence on rhizomes (8.64 %) as well as on tillers (12.50 %). Combined treatment also proved more effective in increasing the plant growth parameters i.e. number of tillers, plant height, fresh rhizome weight along with more recovery of old rhizome. The nematodes were recorded in varying population intensities in different treatments. Minimum population of root knot nematodes was recovered from a combination treatment of T. harzianum + P. fluorescens + B. subtilis (21.66/ 200 cc of soil).
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