The collected data were evaluated more than once according to the variance methodology analysis of the variables measured by the different culture system has the shape shown in Table 1. Height of stem changes between the culture modes used, goes through a maximum of 89 cm for go down to the value of 44.33 cm. The difference is significant at the threshold of 5% probability. The highest of thatch of the intercopping of the pea; AP intercrops with heights equivalent of 89.81 cm, the height of large straw is a desirable characteristic in the semiarid zone, following its beneficial effects during dry years. These effects are attributed to the storage and transfer capacity of glucid substrates for grain finish
(Bahlouli et al., 2005; Annichiarico et al., 2005). This contribution of the height of the stubble with the substrates stored at the level mainly of the last between node and the spike neck minimizes the decline in grain yield under stress (
Blum, 1988) in this context the rate of accumulation of matter dry in pre an thesis and the ability to translocation of the assimilates stored in the rod play an important role in adapting the variety to climate constraints
(Siddique et al., 1989).
The analysis of the variance of the height of the flag leaf indicates significant differences. The height of the flag sheet varies from 16.66 to the oat/peas intercrops (AP) at 6 -7 cm in the three pure crops Who represents the witnesses lasts last with, significantly, the lowest. The analysis of the HS relationship shows that the height of the thatch significantly correlated positively with the height of the flag leaf r =0,78 (Table 2) and (Fig 3), FLL significantly correlated positively with the TKW r = 0.63 (Table 2).
The meaning of the culture system effect indicates that the dry matter produced significantly enchanced in different systems. The dry matter at harvest, grain and straw yield was significantly influenced due to nitrogen (
Uma Maheswar Reddy et al., 2020). The comparison of dried materials accumulated at the stage (cereal: pasty and legume: fine flowering). The results indicate that the ability of the triticale / peas intercropping (TP) 4.50 t /ha, to produce more dry matter than its pure triticale culture (T) and the other crop system. They are consistent with what is reported in the results in Algeria
(Benider et al., 2017), in Turquie and in Tunisia using the mixed crops of triticale and variety of peas (
Hechmi, 1999) and in Swiss
(Clerc et al., 2015). However the barley/pea mixtures (OP) inferiority shows for the DMP variable by contribution to its sol crops barley (O). Two controls O and T Form the same capacity group of the dry matter.
The grain yield of triticale was in intercropping with peas or sol crop and barley / pea’s intercrops form the best group for grain production. The grain yield of barley in the intercrops with the pea increased considerably signifiant as monocrop, the concord with the results
(Sahota et al., 2012) reported when barley and pea were grown as sole crops, the grain yield of barley when increased, particularly when cultivated without the N applied. In the other hand, if the back were combined with the vet, the grain yield was smaller than its own grain yields. The intercrops of oats and its corresponding sol crop shows the lower group that the group whose vetch is mixtures with the one or triticale. The grain yields of the cereals of intercropping with the pea are greater than that of the corresponding sol treatments. Analysis of the performance relationships with components, shows that the capacity of accumulating. The dry matter is correlated strongly and substantially with yield r = 0.94 (Table 2) and (Fig 3). Moreover, the grain yield is positively associated with the TKW r = 0.54 (Table 2).
The weight analysis of TKW shows significant differences between the different cultivation systems the TKW varies between 49.33 and 23,33 g. The group of tritical intercropping of peas or vetch (49.33-44.83 g) has a higher TKW than the mono-crop of triticale control. The TKW of the intercropping systems improve significantly than the TKW of the cereal grains as a sol crops, that explained by the presence of legumes. The Barley-Pea intercrops increased grain returns, protein concentrations in grain and the resilience of economic returns, such as improved yield and improved yields
(Esmaeili et al., 2011; Sadeghpour and Jahanzad, 2012;
Sahota et al., 2012). The Hierarchical clustering analysis (AHC) for traits show that the five variables examined are separated into 03 groups (Fig 1). The first group consisted of sol crops (A, T and O) the group 2 included cereal-vetch intercrops (OV, TV and AV) and the group 3 consisted by the cereal-peas intercrops (PT, PA and PO). These three groups differ especially for the characteristics relating to the height of the rods, height sheet Flag, ability to accumulate dry matter, grain yield grains and TKW. Baghdadi (
et al., 2016) reported that these intercrops were productive systems than corn monocrop. Intercropping systems increased the quality and add over single cultivation systems. PT and OP intercropping characterized by better qualitative and quantitative yield of cereal positively correlated with grain yield and TKW (Fig 2).
Principal component analysis (PCA) shows the eigenvalues of the five components, they alone accumulate 86.11% of information on variability show PT, PO, O and T characterized by the highest grain yield and the accumulated dry matter, that PT, PO with VT were positively connecting to TKW, unlike PA positively correlated with the FLL and SH and negatively correlated with yield grain and the accumulated dry matter. The VA, VO and A which have the lowest add. The relations of measured traits and system crops tested with 5 variables components are graphically summarized in Fig 3.