Effect of different drying pads on moisture removal
The changes in paddy moisture content under the tarpaulin, black polythene, fertilizer bag and hemp sack with day time are shown in Fig 2. Moisture content reduces during the drying period in all drying pads with different thickness levels. Around 12% of moisture content was removed from the paddy between 8.30 am to 12.30 pm in all the treatments and there are no significant differences in moisture removal were observed in all four drying pads after 1.30 pm.
Candia et al., (2013) also conducted a similar experiment at the initial moisture content of 22-28%. The required moisture content of 14% (dry basis) was obtained in 5 to 9 hours from 28% initial moisture content depending on the type of drying pads used.
Kumoro et al., (2019) conducted another similar experiment from 7.00 am to 12.00 noon by evenly spreading rough paddy onto a concrete floor and tarpaulin (white and black) with the rice layer thickness 2 to 5 cm.
Hellevang (2004) reported that plastic sheets could result in condensed water and tend to hold them in low places; thus, not suitable for drying pads. In this study, tarpaulin and hemp sack were found suitable at shallow thickness with less time to attain the required moisture level than other drying pads. Black polythene and fertilizer bag are ideal for sun drying with an increased thickness level of paddy.
Effect of different thickness level on moisture removal
Fig 3 shows changes in moisture content with day time at different thicknesses of paddy. The moisture removal trend was similar in 0.5 cm and 1 cm thickness in all treatments. Similarly, 3 cm and 4 cm thickness of paddy were shown a similar trend during this experiment. Furthermore, all the drying pads in 1 cm thickness indicated no variation in grain moisture removal in the investigation. Initial moisture removal from 8.30 to 10.30 am under the tarpaulin and black polythene show a significant difference in 3 cm and 4 cm thickness of paddy. Since all paddy depths received the same quantity of solar radiation per unit area and at the same time, the deeper depths needed much more time to reach the recommended milling moisture content.
Candia et al., (2013) reported that 7 to 8 days of drying is required for 7 cm thickness.
A similar study conducted in the Philippines reported that the recommended paddy drying depth using the open sun drying method is 2 to 4 cm (
IRRI, 2009). Therefore, a suitable thickness of paddy and efficient drying rate in open sun drying depends on the drying pad used.
Time requirement on required moisture content for storage
Fig 4 and Table 2 illustrate the time required to obtain the recommended moisture content (14%) of paddy grains with four types of drying pads and five thickness levels. Overall, the time requirement is gradually increasing with the increased level of thickness from 0.5 cm to 4.0 cm in every treatment. The least time required to reach 14% moisture level is at 0.5 cm thickness using four different drying pads, whereas the highest time requirement is at 4 cm thickness. At 0.5 cm thickness, tarpaulin recorded the lowest time (98 minutes), while fertilizer bag required the highest time (156 minutes). Tarpaulin and hemp sack are not suitable with 4 cm thickness in terms of drying time.
Moreover, there was no significant difference observed among the four different drying pads using 1 cm thickness. Black polythene and fertilizer bag showed the lowest time at 2 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm of drying thickness. However, the tarpaulin showed less time to reach the target moisture level than the hemp sack drying pad.
International Rice Research Institute (2013) reported that the optimum paddy layer thickness is between 2 to 4 cm for open sun drying.
Black polythene and fertilizer bag can be used in paddy drying when the farmers need to dry the paddy with a high thickness level. In contrast, the increased thickness level of paddy under the tarpaulin is not suitable for sun drying. But tarpaulin is the right drying pad when the farmers want to dry the paddy in a shallow thickness level because it will take less time to attain the required moisture level than other drying pads. An increasing trend was observed in tarpaulin and hemp sack from a low level to a high level of paddy thickness, but no significant trend has been kept in black polythene and fertilizer bag.
Interaction effect of drying pad, thickness and time on moisture removal
Interaction between drying pad and thickness on moisture removal was found to be significant (p=0.001) and the relationship between thickness and moisture content also showed a significant (p=0.001) interaction with moisture removal. Similarly, the relationship between drying pad and moisture content also showed a significant (p=0.001) interaction with paddy moisture removal in this experiment. The posthoc test using Duncan’s Multiple Range (a= 0.05) results indicated no significant variation in the moisture removal by using a hemp sack and tarpaulin. Similarly, there is no significant variation in paddy moisture content by using fertilizer bag and black polythene in all the thickness level. Therefore, different drying pads and thickness levels showed moisture removal’s influence under open sun drying.
Effect of atmospheric temperature and relative humidity
Fig 5 shows the variation of atmospheric temperature and relative humidity in the experimental site during the sun drying operation. Accordingly, weather and high relative humidity range between 29°C-30°C and 72%-78%, respectively. Around 12% of moisture content was removed from the paddy between 8.30 am to 12.30 pm in all the treatments. However, there are no significant differences in moisture removal observed in all four drying pads after 1.30 pm. The main reason for fast initial moisture removal before noon is due to high atmospheric temperature and low relative humidity in the experimental site (Fig 5). This is supported by
Candia et al., (2013) as external wetness will readily evaporate when the paddy is open to hot air. Still, interior moisture evaporates gently as it has to transfer away from the kernel to the exterior due to surface forces. According to
Mujumdar (2004), the mechanism of water evaporation in the material occurs through heat and mass processes simultaneously. The time taken to reach the required moisture content of paddy is ranged from 5 to 9 hours, depending on the air temperature and relative humidity in the experimental site.