Effect of melatonin on physiological responses
Results of the physiological response is presented in Table 1.1. The rectal temperature and respiratory rate of layers administered different dosages of melatonin differed significantly (p<0.05) among the treatment groups. The rectal temperature was significantly (p<0.05) higher on control group ISM
0mg (43.56
oC) compared to those on levels of melatonin which recorded lower rectal temperatures of 40.54
oC and 41.52
oC for ISM
5 and ISM
10 respectively.
The reduced rectal temperature among the treatments on levels of melatonin indicated that melatonin alleviated the negative impact of heat stress. The high rectal temperature in the ISM
0 mg group showed that the layers were already in a stressful condition as the temperature already increased from 41
oC to 43
oC. This finding is in agreement with the report of
Nalini et al., (2008) who stated during heat stress physiological adjustment can occur when the temperature is above 41
oC. Exposure of poultry to ambient temperature outside the thermo-neutral zone during the course of production may affect production and feed conversion efficiency due to decreased feed intake, immune response and mortality (
Howlinder and Rose, 1989). Results from the study showed that inclusion of melatonin decreased the rectal temperature of the Isa Brown laying birds. This report is in agreement with the report of
Zeman et al., (2001), who noted that the supplementation of melatonin at a dose of 150mg/kg of feed resulted in a highly significant decline in heat production of 2-week and 3-week-old chickens (8.38% and 13.05%, respectively). Report from the experiment is consistent with report of
Apeldoorn et al., (1999) who reported that melatonin supplementation in a broiler diet reduces heat production and more significantly, the physical activity related to heat production.
Siegel (1995) also stated that melatonin can be used in controlling temperature stress, since epiphyseal gland and its metabolites play an important role in the circadian thermoregulation in many animal species (
Reiter, 1995).
Saarela and Reiter (1994) also observed that melatonin aids in circadian thermoregulatory adjustments of body temperature. The decline in heat production could be attributed to the hypothermic effect of melatonin (
George, 1999). A dose-dependent reduction in basal temperature after a single melatonin injection was recorded in chickens by
Rozenboim et al., (1998). This is also in line with the report of
Minka and Ayo, (2012) who observed that the mean colonic temperature value of 40.8 ± 0.2
oC was recorded in melatonin-treated quails during transportation and the value was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of 42.4 ± 0.7
oC recorded in the control group. The respiratory rates of the laying birds were significantly influenced (p<0.05) by the treatment. There were drastic reductions in the respiratory rate of the layers on the 5mg and 10mg of melatonin compared to those on 0mg. This indicates that melatonin maintained the thermo-neutral or comfort zone of the thermally stressed layers. This finding is in agreement with the report of
Sinkalu et al., (2010) who noted that broilers presented a significant increase of respiratory rate under high temperatures with values up to 165 breaths per minute. Result from this finding is also in agreement with the report of
Rozenboim et al., (1998) who recorded a dose dependent reduction in basal temperature after a single melatonin injection was recorded in chickens. The decreased basal temperature subsequently resulted in a lower dissipation of heat to environment. The finding of the present study has, thus, demonstrated that the increases in internal heat energy generation from feed metabolism, associated with rearing layers under continuous photoperiods may be ameliorated by melatonin.
Effect of lighting on physiological responses
The result of the effect of lighting on physiological responses are presented in Table 1.2. Significant difference was observed in the rectal temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate of the birds. There were significant differences (p<0.05) on the mean of respiratory rate recorded. Significant difference (p<0.05) was also obtained on the mean of heart rate among the treatment groups. Isa Brown on ISL
18 (350 bpm) had the highest mean values compared to ISL
15 (328.11 bpm) and ISL
12 (320.00 bpm) groups. Results from this study showed that longer duration of lighting increased the environmental temperature of the poultry house which in turn elevated the rectal temperature with increased respiratory rate of the layers, the birds were also deprived of sleep due to continues lighting which led to increased activity. These report are in agreement with the findings of
Aengwanich, (2008) who stated that sleep deprivation increased body temperature and activity due to lack of rest. The increased respiratory rate is as a result of high heat production. This finding is in agreement with the report of
Zhou and Yamamoto (1997) who stated that higher environmental temperature is responsible for high heat production thereby increasing respiratory rate (209.25 bpm) after 3 hours of heat exposure than normal condition of (48.50/minute).
Bottje et al., (1990) also reported similar findings as respiratory rate of (140-170 breaths/minute) increased with increasing body temperature when chicken was exposed to 40.5
Effect of melatonin on haematological parameters
The result of the effect of melatonin on the haematological parameters are presented in Table 2.1. Layers on 5 mg ISM
5 (28.00%) of melatonin had the highest mean value of PCV followed by group ISM
10 (28.11%) while the control ISM
0 (25.66%). RBC significantly increased with increased melatonin, layers in melatonin administration had the highest mean values compared to the control. The mean values of MCV, MCH and MCHC did not differ significantly (p>0.05) among the treatment groups. MCH and MCHC mean values decreased with increased melatonin administration compared to the control. There was significant difference (p<0.03) among the treatment means of WBC. Heterophils also differed among the treatment means. The layers in the control had increased number of heterophils compared to those on melatonin treatment. Lymphocyte differed significantly with increased mean values on those with melatonin treatment compared to the control. Melatonin increased the circulating monocytes but decreased eosinophils concentration while basophils mean values were not significantly (p>.005) influenced by melatonin administration. The monocytes mean values were numerically high on melatonin treated group compared to the control. The beneficial effects of melatonin are not confined to direct modulation of the immune system it diminished the parasite load in blood and tissue (
Erbaş et al., 2012). Indeed, melatonin increases total antioxidant capacity and/or reduces the production of reactive oxygen species
(Espino et al., 2012). The antioxidant activity of melatonin and its metabolites may also account for its anti-apoptotic effects on immune cells (
Maestroni, 2001). The results from this study indicate that melatonin improved the health status of Isa Brown laying birds. Melatonin level with immune processes and the immune-hematopoietic system has been shown to improve immune response (
Pacini and Borziani, 2016). Results of this study affirms the findings of
Ben et al., (1995) who stated that administration of daily melatonin starting three days before stress increased PCV, significantly reduced heterophils circulation, mortality, and postponed the onset of disease and death. This also affirms the report of
Rodriguez et al., (2001) observation that melatonin is also able to enhance the phagocytic capacity of heterophils. Melatonin administration upon reperfusion decreased the migration of circulatory neutrophils and macrophages/monocytes into stressed rats and inhibited microglial activation following transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats
(Ben et al., 1995).
Results of effect of lighting regime on haematological parameters as presented in Table 2.2
There were significant differences on the PCV, heterophils and monocytes mean values. The PCV mean values were ISL
12 (28.55%), ISL
15 (25.44%) and ISL
18 (22.77%). This shows that the control group on 12 hours lighting ISL
12 had the highest PCV mean values compared to those on ISL
18 respectively. This suggests that lighting decreased the PCV mean values across the treatment means. Heterophil values were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the treatment groups with the longest duration of lighting compared to the others. The mean values were ISL
12 (51.00%), ISL
15 (51.80%) and ISL
18 (55.66%). Lighting also increased the monocytes mean values compared to the control group. Those on group ISL
15 and ISL
18 had higher number of monocytes compared to ISL12. The increased heterophils and monocytes values indicate possible presence of pathogenic organisms which results to increased body temperature which ultimately made the body unfavourable for further pathogenic growth.