Description of the study area
Location: North Gondar zone is one of the eleventh zones of the region, which has 23 districts The boundaries of the North Gondar
Zone adjoin Tigray region to the North, Ageawe zone and West Gojam zone to the South, Waghimra zone and South Gondar zone to the East and Sudan to the West.
North Gondar has a population density of 63.76. While 462,700 or 15.79% are urban inhabitants, a further 2,148 or 0.07% are pastoralists. A total of 654,803 households were counted in this Zone, which results in an average of 4.47 persons to a household and 631,509 housing units. The main ethnic group reported in North Gondar was the Amhara (97.84%); all other ethnic groups made up 2.16% of the population. Amharic was spoken as a first language by 98.32%; the remaining 1.62% spoke all other primary languages reported. 95.38% practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity and 4.29% of the population said they were Muslim (
Ethiopian Population and Housing census. 2007).
Research approach
The researchers employed mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research approaches. The qualitative data were obtained from Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and observations. Quantitative data were obtained from household survey. The reason for adopting both research approaches can be justified with three reasons as per
Miles and Hubermann (1994). Firstly, greater confirmation of data through triangulation; secondly, to elaborate or develop analysis on the bases of rich details and thirdly, to initiate new lines of thinking through attention to surprises or paradoxes, turning ideas around and providing fresh insight.
Source and method of data collection
The data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through household head interviews. The interview schedule was pre tested among the 10 non sampled rural households having similar socio economic backgrounds with sample respondents but from different area. Then the necessary modifications were done based on the pre tested questionnaire. Qualitative data were gathered by using key informants interviews in each district and field observations. Secondary data were collected from government annual reports, official statistical abstracts and research results undertaken in the area.
Sampling procedures and techniques
In this study a stratified simple random sampling techniques was employed to select sample household heads from the study area. Accordingly, North Gondar zone was stratified on the bases of agro-ecology to create homogeneous stratum for the selection of districts. Next to this, the districts were grouped into Dega, Woyina dega and Kola. Then after, Gonder zuria district selected from the Woyina dega, Dabat district from dega and West Belesa district from the kola/low land were selected randomly to have representative districts in North Gondar. Again, two representative rural kebeles were selected randomly from each sample district. Finally, a total of 120 sample household heads were drawn from the updated list of sampling frame through simple random sampling technique in proportion to the total population of each sample kebele.
Method of data analysis
To analyze the collected data the multinomial logistic model was used to assess the determinants of crop land management practices. To strengthen the quantitative data, the qualitative information was interpreted through explanations. Management and analysis of the data were undertaken by using Statistical Product and Service Solutions SPSS version 20 and STATA version 16 computer software packages.
Econometric model specifications
In this study four mutually exclusive crop land management strategies were identified. These include using furrows only; using furrows and mulching; using a combination of furrows, mulching and terracing; and using furrows, mulching, terracing and tree planting together at the same time. Multinomial logit model is a widely used technique in the applications that analyze polytomous response categories in different areas of economic and social studies. Thus, to identify the determinants of rural households’ decision to choose suitable crop land management strategy; the multinomial logit model was used. The assumption is that in a given period, a rational household head should choose among the four mutually exclusive crop land management strategies that could offer the maximum utility.
Greene (2003), suppose for the i
th respondent faced with j choices, the utility choice j can be specified as:
Uij = Zijβ + εij ........................................................(1)
If the respondent makes choice j in particular, then Uij is the maximum among the j utilities. So the statistical model is derived by the probability that choice j is made, which is:
Prob (Uij>Uik) for all others K ≠ j.............................................................(2)
Where; Uij is the utility to the ith respondent from crop land management strategy j; and Uik is the utility to the ith respondent from crop land management strategy k. Thus, the ith household’s decision can be modeled as maximizing the expected utility by choosing the jth crop land management strategy among J discrete crop land management strategies, i.e.:
Maxj= E (Uij) = fj (xi) + ij, j=0,……….J (3)
In general, for an outcome variable with J categories, let the j
th crop land management strategy that the i
th household chooses to maximize its utility could take the value 1 if the i
th household choose j
th crop land management strategy and 0 otherwise. The probability that a household with characteristics x chooses crop plan management strategy j, P
ij is modeled as:
.................................... (4)
With the requirement that

for any i
Pij = probability representing the i
threspondent’s chance of falling into category j;
Xi= Predictors of response probabilities and
βj = Covariate effects specific to j
th response category with the first category as the reference. A convenient normalization that removes indeterminacy in the model is to assume that β
1 = 0 (Greene, 2003). So that
exp(Xi βj ) = 1, implying that the generalized equation (4) above is equivalent to:

Where; y = A polytomous outcome variable with categories coded from 0.…… J.
Note: The probability of Pi1is derived from the constraint that the J probabilities sum to 1. That is, Pij= 1- ΣPij. So similar to binarylogit model it implies that we can compute J log-odds ratios which are specified as:
The independent variables that expected to affect the choice of suitable crop land management strategy of rural households in the study area are farm experience of the household head, sex of the household head, family size, education level of the household head, land size of the household, livestock holding size of the household, access to irrigation, credit use, membership to cooperatives, extension contact, farm plot distance, access to mass medias, distance to the road and income.