Agricultural Science Digest
Chief EditorArvind kumar
Print ISSN 0253-150X
Online ISSN 0976-0547
NAAS Rating 5.52
SJR 0.156
Chief EditorArvind kumar
Print ISSN 0253-150X
Online ISSN 0976-0547
NAAS Rating 5.52
SJR 0.156
Characterization of compost as affected by manipulation of C/N ratio
First Online 18-03-2016|
An aerobic composting experiment was conducted for 91 days in the laboratory of the Department of Soil and Environment Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Sudan to investigate the effects of three levels of C/N ratio on some physico-chemical properties of final compost from sheep manure (C/N 15.9), groundnut straw (C/N ratio 25.9) and their mixture (C/N ratio 18.3). Increase in C/N ratio of materials had consistently resulted in an increase in pH, increase of the final compost and the increase was 5, 36 and 68%, respectively. Total N, P, K, Mg, pH, WHC and bulk density were increased in final compost whereas organic C, lignin, polyphenol and C/N ration showed variable reduction. Characterization of final compost generally depends on initial C/N ratio of the materials used.
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