Agricultural Science Digest

  • Chief EditorArvind kumar

  • Print ISSN 0253-150X

  • Online ISSN 0976-0547

  • NAAS Rating 5.52

  • SJR 0.156

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Agricultural Science Digest, volume 31 issue 2 (june 2011) : 100 - 105


Behzad Behtari, Ghasem Ali Dianati Tilaki*, Farzaneh Gholami, Reza Bahari Balkhkanlou
1Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Natural Resources, Department of Rangeland Management, Noor, Iran
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Behtari Behzad, Tilaki* Dianati Ali Ghasem, Gholami Farzaneh, Balkhkanlou Bahari Reza (2025). COMPARISON OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL CONSTITUENTS OF ARTEMISIA HERBA- ALBA ASSO IN THE VEGETATIVE AND FLOWERING STAGES. Agricultural Science Digest. 31(2): 100 - 105. doi: .
The volatile chemical constituents of Artemesia herba alba were determined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) in the vegetative and flowering stage. According to the results, there were changes in the composition and yield of the essential oil during the two phenological stages. Vegetative stage oils were complicated system as compared with flowering stage oils. 32 compounds in the vegetative stage oils and 28 compounds in the flowering stage oils could be identified. The oxygenated monoterpene 1,8-cineole was one of the main constituent of the essential oils in vegetative stage with average value of 8%, while this component was not found in flowering stage at all in this research, oxygenated monoterpenes, cis – pinocarveol and Artemisia ketone, were the main components of the essential oils in both the stages; they showed values 17.5% and 13% in the vegetative stages and 29.6% and 21.3% in the flowering stages.
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