Agricultural Science Digest

  • Chief EditorArvind kumar

  • Print ISSN 0253-150X

  • Online ISSN 0976-0547

  • NAAS Rating 5.52

  • SJR 0.156

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Agricultural Science Digest, volume 25 issue 4 (december 2005) : 278 - 280


R. Sandhu, Asha Kiran Jainl, B.N. Putatunda2
1Department of Zoology. Panjabi University. Patiala - 147002. Punjab. India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Sandhu R., Jainl Kiran Asha, Putatunda2 B.N. (2025). NEW RECORDS OF MESOSTIGMATID MITES OF STORED FOOD PRODUCTS IN HISAR, HARYANA. Agricultural Science Digest. 25(4): 278 - 280. doi: .
A survey (1999–2002) of stored grains and their products in Hisar yielded seven species of mites belonging to mesostigmata. The mites are Phytoseiidae: Phytoseius sp., Laelapidae: Androlaelaps theseus (Zumpt), Haemolaelaps ovalis Costa, Hypoaspis aculeifer Canestrtni, Hypoaspis sardoa Berlese, Macronyssidae: Ornithonyssus nitedulae Costa and Uropodidae: Leiodinychus parasiticus Choudhary and Mukherjee. Except Phytoseius sp. the remaining six species are being reported for the first time from Haryana, whereas four are new records from India on stored products. Leiodinychus parasiticus was most abundant. Host mite list is provided in the text.
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