Agricultural Science Digest

  • Chief EditorArvind kumar

  • Print ISSN 0253-150X

  • Online ISSN 0976-0547

  • NAAS Rating 5.52

  • SJR 0.156

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Agricultural Science Digest, volume 25 issue 2 (june 2005) : 139 -141


R. Santhi, G. Selvakumari, P. Murugesa Boopathi
1Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Chemistry, Coimbatore - 641 003, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Santhi R., Selvakumari G., Boopathi Murugesa P. (2025). OPTIMISATION OF FERTIUSER REQUIREMENTS FOR RICE BY DIFFERENT STATISTICAL MODELS - A COMPARISON. Agricultural Science Digest. 25(2): 139 -141. doi: .
Field experiments were conducted with rice - rice - pulse sequence on an Inceptisol and optimisation of fertiliser requirements for rice by multiple regression, targeted yield and Mitscherlich - Bray models were compared. It was found that there was an over optimisation of fertiliser doses and the fertiliser K 2O requirement could not be optimised by the regression model. The fertiliser N, P 2O 5 and K 2O requirements were higher for the same yield target for Mitscherlich-Bray model as compared to that of the targeted yield model. It is evident from the results that the optimisation of fertiliser doses by the targeted' yield model was more balanced and optimum when compared to other two Models. Hence, the targeted yield model would be the most appropriate one for optimising the fertiliser needs of rice on Inceptisols of Lower Bhavani Project area.
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