Agricultural Science Digest

  • Chief EditorArvind kumar

  • Print ISSN 0253-150X

  • Online ISSN 0976-0547

  • NAAS Rating 5.52

  • SJR 0.156

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Agricultural Science Digest, volume 25 issue 2 (june 2005) : 124 - 126


Gunjan Aswani, R. Paliwal, D.K. Sarolia
1Department of Horticulture, S K N College of Agriculture, Jobner - 303 329, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Aswani Gunjan, Paliwal R., Sarolia D.K. (2025). EFFECT OF NITROGEN AND BIO-FERTILIZER ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF RABIONION (ALUUM CEPA L) CV. PUNA RED. Agricultural Science Digest. 25(2): 124 - 126. doi: .
A field experiment was conducted on sandy loam soil during rabi season of 1999–2000 to study the effect of four levels of nitrogen (25, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha −1) and two sources of biofertilizer viz., Azotobacter (A 1) andAzospirillum (A 2) on yield and quality of onion bulb (Allium cepa L). Results indicated that the application of nitrogen @100 Kg N ha −1 significantly increased bulb yield and quality attributes. The treatment combination N 4A 1S 2 (100 kg N ha −1 + Azotobacter with seedling dipping) gave highest bulb yield and fresh weight of bulb, followed at par by N:AIS 2 (75 Kg N ha −1 + Azotobacter with seedling dipping). In economics, the maximum B:C ratio (2.26:1) was recorded with the treatment combination of N:AIS 2 as compared to N 4A 1S 2 with a lower B:C ratio (2.24:1) due to additional cost of urea and non significant difference between these two treatments regarding yield of bulbs. Thus, the treatment combination N 3A 1S 2 was the best.
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