Agricultural Reviews

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 39 issue 4 (december 2018) : 300-306

Irrigation scheduling through drip and surface methods- A critical review on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and water use studies of rabi maize

M.M. Kadasiddappa, V. Praveen Rao
1Department of Agronomy, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad-500 030, Telangana, India.
Cite article:- Kadasiddappa M.M., Rao Praveen V. (2018). Irrigation scheduling through drip and surface methods- A critical review on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and water use studies of rabi maize. Agricultural Reviews. 39(4): 300-306. doi: 10.18805/ag.R-1753.
Water is the prime natural resource, which is often costly and limiting input particularly in arid and semi arid regions, hence needs judicious use to reap the maximum benefit from this limiting resource. Indian farmers are now finding ways to shift from traditional practices to more modern technologies for crop production. Of late, drip irrigation is receiving better appreciation, acceptance, and adaption and plays an important role in saving the water in water scarce areas. It enables the efficient use of limited water with higher water use efficiency. Adaptation of drip irrigation in rabi maize which is one of the amenable crop for drip irrigation system is gaining momentum because of its higher productivity coupled with higher price. Irrigation application can be reduced by 50 to 80 per cent with drip irrigation compared to surface irrigation. Further, drip irrigation has the potential for improving two of the most common contributing factors to N leaching – over fertilization and over irrigation. Therefore, optimum irrigation levels with suitable method would help in enhancing the economic yield as well as water use efficiency of maize crop.
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