Agricultural Reviews
Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma
Print ISSN 0253-1496
Online ISSN 0976-0741
NAAS Rating 4.84
Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma
Print ISSN 0253-1496
Online ISSN 0976-0741
NAAS Rating 4.84
Spices Production in Ethiopia: A Review
First Online 30-10-2021|
These papers describe spices production in Ethiopia. There are different Spices and herbs can be categorized based on their flavor and colour i.e., hot (Cayenne pepper, black and white peppers, mustard, chilies) slight flavor (coriander, paprika), aromatic spices (clove, cumin, dill fennel, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon) and aromatic herbs (thyme, marjoram, shallot, basil, bay leaf, onion, garlic). Based on colour (turmeric) and herbaceous (sage, rosemary) or based on their taste such as sweet, bitter, spicy, sour and sharp. Therefore, in Ethiopia Korarima, fenugreek, ginger, long pepper, vanilla, capsicum, black and white cumin, coriander and basil are widely grown by farmers, research and extension could start intervention on these spices. Spice production would play great role in improving farmers’ livelihoods. Spices have been used as flavour, colour, aroma, enhancing agents and for preservation of foods. Moreover, more research is needed to improve the production and productivity of spices as well as to the improvement of the life of the farmers and play a role in the country economic growth.
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