Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 40 issue 2 (june 2019) : 93-103

Agro-residues disinfection methods for mushroom cultivation: A review

N.A. Nanje Gowda, Dronachari Manvi
1<div>All-India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Engineering and Technology , University of Agricultural Sciences, Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India</div>
Cite article:- Gowda Nanje N.A., Manvi Dronachari (2019). Agro-residues disinfection methods for mushroom cultivation: A review. Agricultural Reviews. 40(2): 93-103. doi: 10.18805/ag.R-1735.
Agro residues have effectively been utilized as a substrate in mushroom cultivation. The substrates used in cultivating edible mushroom requires varying degree of pre-treatments in order to promote the growth of mushroom mycelium by excluding other competitor microorganisms. Sterilization using hot water, steam or chemical methods is done to disinfect the substrate. However, sterilization is not an ideal disinfection method as it kills both beneficial and harmful organisms in the substrate. Pasteurisation of the substrate seems to be the better alternative which permits re-growth of beneficial organisms during the cooling period. This paper presents an outline on the utilisation of agro residues as substrate in mushroom cultivation. Various methods of chemical, non-chemical sterilization and pasteurisation of substrate have been discussed. It also highlights that more focus is needed to promote mushroom growers to adopt the pasteurization technique than sterilization by developing simple and low cost pasteurization equipments for rural and small scale mushrooms growers.
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