Agricultural Reviews
Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma
Print ISSN 0253-1496
Online ISSN 0976-0741
NAAS Rating 4.84
Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma
Print ISSN 0253-1496
Online ISSN 0976-0741
NAAS Rating 4.84
Presence of pesticide residue in vegetable crops: A review
First Online 29-09-2016|
The economic implications of crop loss due to pest incidences have resulted in superfluous pesticide usage by the farming community, which in turns resulted in several ecological and environmental consequences. Considering this, present review is presented with the objective to determine which pesticides are being used by the farmers and also the presence of different pesticide residues in different vegetable crops. This review paper analysed a total of 21 research articles published in reputed journals. It was observed that application of insecticides was the major protective measure against the attacks by devastating pests. Vegetables mostly found to be contaminated were okra, brinjal, lettuce, cucumber and tomato. Pesticides found in most of the vegetable samples in the preliminary observations were Chlorpyrifos, Monocrotophos, Endosulfan, DDT and Lindane etc. Provisions to adherence of the policies of the government in the domain of pesticide application measures should be made and appropriate watch should also be kept against any violation of these policies and recommendations.
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