Agricultural Reviews
Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma
Print ISSN 0253-1496
Online ISSN 0976-0741
NAAS Rating 4.84
Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma
Print ISSN 0253-1496
Online ISSN 0976-0741
NAAS Rating 4.84
Weed management in onion: A review
First Online 30-03-2017|
The bulbous vegetable onion Allium cepa Var. aggregatum L. (2n=16) is the most important species of Allium group and is regarded as the single most important vegetable spices as it forms an indispensable part of many diets, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Onion is valued for its bulbs having characteristic odour, flavor and pungency. Onion is regarded as a highly export oriented crop and earns a valuable foreign exchange for the country. Weeds are of great menace as they interfere with production of crop and add to the cost of cultivation. The reduction in crop yield has direct correlation with weed competition. Onion exhibits greater susceptibility to weed competition as compared to other crops due to its inherent characteristics such as their slow growth, small stature, shallow roots and lack of dense foliage. The effective weed control involves identification of weed flora, method of weed control and judicious combination of effective weed control methods. Hand weeding in onion is a common practice in India, but it is a tedious, expensive and time consuming task due to closer spacing and shallow root system. Non-availability of labourers during critical period of crop makes hand weeding difficult leading to heavy yield losses. Spraying of pre-emergence herbicides keeps the crop in weed free conditions during the early stages. At later stage, second flush of weeds will affect the bulb formation. Hand weeding helps to keep the weed population below economic threshold level throughout the crop growth period. Pre-emergence combined with hand weeding may be costly because of the reduced labour availability and higher labour cost. After bulb formation manual or mechanical methods of weed control will damage the bulb. Application of early post emergence may be helpful to reduce damage to the bulb, weed competition and cost of weeding. Hence a brief review was presented to find out the effect of different weed management method in onion.
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