Agricultural Reviews

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 37 issue 1 (march 2016) : 1-9

Crop regulation in guava-A review

Rajbir Singh Boora*, H.S. Dhaliwal, N.K. Arora
1<p>Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Fruit Research Station, Bahadurgarh-147 021, Patiala, India.</p>
Cite article:- Boora* Singh Rajbir, Dhaliwal H.S., Arora N.K. (2016). Crop regulation in guava-A review . Agricultural Reviews. 37(1): 1-9. doi: 10.18805/ar.v37i1.9258.

The basic principle of crop regulation is to manipulates the natural flowering and fruiting of guava plant in desired season of the year that contribute to increased fruit yield, quality, profitability and sustainability of the environment by reducing the use of the frequency of the pesticides. This concept is based on the fact that guava flowers are borne only on new, succulent, vigorously emerging vegetative growths. These new growth flushes can be either new emergences of lateral bud on older stems or extensions of already established terminals of various size and vigor. The crop regulation can be achieved by the adoption of the various practices like withholding irrigation after harvesting during the months of April-May in Northern Indian plains. This results in the shedding of flowers and the tree goes to rest. The basin of the tree is dug up, manured and irrigated in June. After about 30-35 days the tree put forth profuse flowering and fruit mature in winter. Terminal portion of the shoots up to 20 or 30 cm length should be pruned between 20th to 30th April. Always avoid severe pruning in guava. Apply the recommended dose of fertilizers during the month of June to encourage vegetative growth in July-August for getting maximum flowering during August-September for winter season crop. To regulate the guava crop, it is essential to reduce the fruit set during the rainy season and subsequently increase the fruit set during winter season by the use of different chemicals like NAA ethereal and urea etc. 

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