Agricultural Reviews

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 37 issue 2 (june 2016) : 117-124

Use of indigenous sources of sulphur in soils of eastern India for higher crops yield and quality- A review

Surendra singh*, S. K. Singh
1<p>Institute of Agricultural Sciences,&nbsp;Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi -221 005, India.</p>
Cite article:- singh* Surendra, Singh K. S. (2016). Use of indigenous sources of sulphur in soils of eastern India forhigher crops yield and quality- A review . Agricultural Reviews. 37(2): 117-124. doi: 10.18805/ar.v0iof.9626.

Sulphur is the fourth most important nutrient after nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc for Indian Agriculture. Large quantities of indigenous S sources such as mined gypsum, pyrite and by-product phosphogypsum are available in the country. Research efforts have been directed to evaluate suitability of these indigenous S sources as sulphur fertilizer in soils and crops of eastern India. The magnitude of S deficiency widely differed in soils of eastern states. Among different crops oilseeds were found more responsive to S application than pulses and cereals. The dose of most of the crops ranged between 20 to 60 kg ha-1 except sugarcane which profitably responded at 80 kg ha-1. Basal soil application of gypsum and phosphogypsum were found to be superior than that of pyrites. However, pyrites resulted in higher crop response on residual sulphur in various cropping systems. In addition to yield, application of S improved the quality of crop produce also. Protein content in cereals and pulses, oil content in oil seeds and sugar content in sugarcane were appreciably increased due to S application. Replenishment of sulphur in soil can be made through the use of indigenous sources of sulphur for achieving higher crops yield and quality in eastern states of India.

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