Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

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  • NAAS Rating 4.84

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 35 issue 4 (december 2014) : 239 - 249

Storage of Onions – A Review

E.P. Banuu Priya, V.R. Sinja*, R.P.J.S. Alice, S. Shanmugasundaram, K. Alagusundaram
1Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur-613 001, India
Cite article:- Priya Banuu E.P., Sinja* V.R., Alice R.P.J.S., Shanmugasundaram S., Alagusundaram K. (2025). Storage of Onions – A Review. Agricultural Reviews. 35(4): 239 - 249. doi: 10.5958/0976-0741.2014.00911.8.
Onion storage is widely practised worldwide in accordance to their cultural and economical practice. In India, method of storage adopted mostly depends on the traditional knowledge and commonly practised methods are bag, pucca/room, tat storage, bamboo, chawl structure and the losses associated are quite higher. Sprouting, desiccation and microbial spoilage are often observed in storage and it compels to choose advanced techniques like modified ventilated structures,
modified atmospheric (MA) and controlled atmospheric (CA) storage. The CA and MA storage reduces the application of chemicals for sprout inhibition by manipulating the gas composition to extend the storage period of the onions.
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