Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

  • Online ISSN 0976-0741

  • NAAS Rating 4.84

Frequency :
Quarterly (March, June, September & December)
Indexing Services :
AGRICOLA, Google Scholar, CrossRef, CAB Abstracting Journals, Chemical Abstracts, Indian Science Abstracts, EBSCO Indexing Services, Index Copernicus
Agricultural Reviews, volume 35 issue 4 (december 2014) : 279 - 286


Navneet Kaur*
1Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana- 141 001, India
Cite article:- Kaur* Navneet (2024). IMPACT OF INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE ON NATURAL RESOURCE BASE OF PUNJAB- A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 35(4): 279 - 286. doi: 10.5958/0976-0741.2014.00915.5.
Punjab made a spectacular progress and changed the agricultural scenario of the country from a stage of begging bowl to self reliance in food production associated with the well known “Green Revolution”. The over intensification and monoculture over the years has led to overall degradation of the fragile agro ecosystem. With increase in developmental activities, more and more productive land is being brought under industry and housing complexes etc. The exploitive agricultural practices resulted in presence of residues of chemicals in food and feed products at levels which are dangerous for human and cattle health. Declining farm yield and income due to economic and ecological factors is pushing marginal and small farmers into vicious cycle of debt. Agricultural ecosystems have become incredibly good at producing food, but at cost of environment that cannot be ignored. It is critical that agricultural practices be modified by adoption of environment friendly practices like INM and IPM etc. to conserve and enhance the ecological foundations such as soil, water and biodiversity essential for sustained advances in agricultural productivity and profitability.
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