Agricultural Reviews

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 36 issue 2 (june 2015) : 140-146

Weeds of cotton – A Review

K. Nalini*, P. Murhukrishnan, C. Chinnusamy, C.Vennila
1ILFC, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli-627 001, Tamil Nadu, India.
Cite article:- Nalini* K., Murhukrishnan P., Chinnusamy C., C.Vennila (2024). Weeds of cotton – A Review. Agricultural Reviews. 36(2): 140-146. doi: 10.5958/0976-0741.2015.00016.1.
Cotton, being a long duration, widely spaced and relatively slow growing crop during early growth stages, is subjected to severe weed menace. Weed infestation in cotton has been reported to offer severe competition and causing yield reduction to an extent of 40 to 85 per cent. Weeds which emerge with cotton plants offer a severe competition and bring about considerable reduction in seed cotton yield. Reduction in seed cotton yield under irrigated conditions is primarily due to nutrient depletion caused by weeds and may vary over from 10-90 per cent Weed infestation in cotton has been reported to offer severe competition and causing yield reduction to the extent of 74 per cent . Weeds are considered as a major biotic constraint for high production. The weeds which germinate before or simultaneously with the crop are frequently capable of forming a leaf canopy over cotton. Late emerging weeds may interfere with cotton defoliation and harvest and may lower lint grade due to lint staining and to excessive foreign material. A brief review of literature on weed flora, the effect of weed management practices on growth, yield and quality characters of cotton are presented here under.
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