Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

  • Online ISSN 0976-0741

  • NAAS Rating 4.84

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 35 issue 3 (september 2014) : 184-195


Vijay Kumar, Samar Singh, Mehar Chand
1Regional Research Station, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Karnal 132 001, India
Cite article:- Kumar Vijay, Singh Samar, Chand Mehar (2025). NUTRIENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT FOR HIGHER SUGARCANE PRODUCTION, BETTER JUICE QUALITY AND MAINTENANCE OF SOIL FERTILITY-A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 35(3): 184-195. doi: 10.5958/0976-0741.2014.00905.2.
The application of at least 150 kg N/ha for the plant and 225 kg N/ha for the ratoon crops is required and N should be applied in three equal split one third at planting, one third at about 6-10 weeks after planting and one third at before on set of mousoon. 30th of June. The application three spray of 2.5% urea in May and June and rest N through soil application produced significantly higher cane yield (6.2% and 6.5% for plant and ratoon crops, respectively), yield parameters and CCS% compared to recommended use of N application. The application of  phosphorus @ 50 kg P2O5/ha and potash @ 50 kg K2O/ha in both sugarcane plant and ratoon crops showed substantial increase in cane yield and net return over no P and K application respectively. The recommendation of application of 50 kg P2O5/ha and 50 kg K2O /ha in both sugarcane plant and ratoon crops has been included in the package of practices for the farmers of Haryana. Application of Water Dispersible Granules of sulphur @ 18 kg S/ha, 13.5 kg S/ha and gypsum @ 25 kg S/ha. increased 9.6%, 6.5% and 7.7% of cane yield over no S application. Iron deficiency in sugarcane can be corrected with 2-3 spray of 1% FeSO4 at 10-15 days interval. Application of znson 25kg/ha is only recommended for light textured soil. The leaf analysis could be justified as a mean for predicting cane and sugar yield. Integrated use of organic manure (FYM, pressmud and green manuring of dhaincha) with NPK produced significantly higher cane yield of plant and ratoon crops over NPK alone and improved soil fertility. The application of sugarcane trash @ 3t/ha in combination with N significantly increased the organic carbon (OC%), available P and K, infiltration rate and moisture retention in the soil over no trash. The bio-fertilizers application helps in saving of 1/3rd dose of N and also helps in phosphorus application through rock phosphate source. Five sugarcane genotypes were identified as nitrogen (N) efficient genotypes and five sugarcane genotypes were identified as phosphorus (P) efficient genotypes. Amelioration of irrigation water having RSC with gypsum or press mud significantly increased the cane yield of sugarcane. The genotypes CoH97, CoH35, CoH56, CoJ 64, CoH 92 and CoS8436 were sensitive to sodicity whereas genotypes CoH99, CoH 110, CoH 119 and CoS 767 were tolerant. Drip irrigation system in sugarcane showed increase of 15% in cane yield or saving of 22-30% irrigation water at the equivalent yield, than continuous furrow irrigation.
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