Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

  • Online ISSN 0976-0741

  • NAAS Rating 4.84

Frequency :
Bi-monthly (February, April, June, August, October & December)
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Agricultural Reviews, volume 40 issue 4 (december 2019) : 271-280

Activated Carbon from Almond Shells for Water Treatment: A Mini Review

Rebeca Vidal Vidal, Ramón Vidal García, Antonio Flores Martínez, Fco. José de los Santos Estébanez
1Arsinger SL. Avda. República Argentina, s/n. Edificio Principado, 2º Floor, nº 10 (41920-Bormujos-Spain).
Cite article:- Vidal Vidal Rebeca, García Vidal Ramón, Martínez Flores Antonio, Estébanez Santos los de José Fco. (2019). Activated Carbon from Almond Shells for Water Treatment: A Mini Review. Agricultural Reviews. 40(4): 271-280. doi: 10.18805/ag.R-132.
Activated carbon is a highly porous material that is gaining interest nowadays in different sectors due to its strong adsorption capacity. Although it can be manufactured from very diverse feedstock, vegetable carbon and coal have been the most widely used raw materials. The increasing market demand and the encouragement of practices for the transition to the circular economy have promoted the use of wastes for the manufacturing of activated carbon. A significant part of the activated carbon currently in the market is produced from coconut shells, but wastes from a variety of sources are the subject of intense research. The number and variety of agricultural wastes tested as precursors of activated carbon is enormous, especially due to their high lignocellulose content. This review is focused on the use of almond shells as feedstock for the production of high-quality activated carbon.
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  23. Hashemian, Saeedeh, Khatereh Salari and Zahra Atashi Yazdi (2014). Preparation of activated carbon from agricultural wastes (almond shell and orange peel) for adsorption of 2-pic from aqueous solution. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 20(4):1892–1900.
  24. Hayashi, Jun’ichi, Atsuo Kazehaya, Katsuhiko Muroyama and Watkinson, A. Pau. (2000). Preparation of Activated Carbon from Lignin by Chemical Activation. Carbon. 38(13):1873–78.
  25. Hosseini, Soraya, Salman Masoudi Soltani, Hossein Jahangirian, Farahnaz Eghbali Babadi, Thomas S. Y. Choong and Nasrin Khodapanah (2015). Fabrication and characterization porous carbon rod-shaped from almond natural fibers for environmental applications. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 3(4, Part A):2273–80.
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  29. Jiang, Xin, Hongying Xia, Libo Zhang, Jinhui Peng, Song Cheng, Jianhua Shu, Chunyang Li and Qi Zhang. 2018. Ultrasound and Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Copper-Activated Carbon and Application to Organic Dyes Removal. Powder Technology 338: 857–68.
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