Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

  • Online ISSN 0976-0741

  • NAAS Rating 4.84

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 40 issue 4 (december 2019) : 324-328

Physalis peruviana L.: Growth, Yield and Phytochemical Content- A Review

Wiwin Sumiya Dwi Yamika, Nurul Aini, Budi Waluyo
1Department of Agronomy, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang-65145, East Java, Indonesia.
Cite article:- Yamika Dwi Sumiya Wiwin, Aini Nurul, Waluyo Budi (2019). Physalis peruviana L.: Growth, Yield and Phytochemical Content- A Review. Agricultural Reviews. 40(4): 324-328. doi: 10.18805/ag.R-130.
Physalis peruviana is one of the species in genus Physalis which is often cultivated in various regions including Indonesia. In Indonesia, P. peruviana is often called ciplukan. P. peruviana plants produce various phytochemical compounds which have benefical medicinal properties. P. peruviana plants have not been widely cultivated commercially as the information about cultivation practices of this plant are still limited. Many research activities have been done to study about its chemical and biological properties, but they are still not widely spread. Therefore, an effort has been made to compile the available inforamtion in this paper.
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  14. Licodiedoff, S., Koslowski, L.A.D. and Ribani, H. (2013). Flavonols and antioxidant activity of physalis peruviana L. fruit at two maturity stages. Acta Scientiarum. 35(2): 393-399. 
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  17. Olivares-Tenorio, M., Dekker, M., Verkerk, R. and Van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2016). Health-promoting compound in Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana): Review from a supply chain perspective. Trend in Food Science Technology. 57: 83-92.
  18. Oliveira, S.F., Consalves, F.J.A., Correia, P.M.R. and Guine, R.P.F. (2016). Physical properties of Physalis peruviana L. Open Agriculture. 1: 55-59.
  19. Ozturk, A., Ozdemir, Y., Albayrak, B., Simsek, M. and Yildirim, K.C. (2017). Some nutrient characteristics of goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.) cultivar candidate from Turkey. Scientific Papers Series B Horticulture. 61: 293-297.
  20. Pereda, M.S.B., Nazareno, M.A. and Viturro, C.I. (2018). Nutritional and antioxidant properties of Physalis peruviana L. fruits from the Argentinean Northern Andean Region. Plant Food for Human Nutrition. 74 (1): 68-75. 
  21. Puente, L.A., Pinto-Munoz, C.A., Castro, E.S. and Cortes, M. (2011). Physalis peruviana Linnaeus, The multiple properties of a highly functional fruit: A review. Food Research International. 44: 1733-1740.
  22. Ramadhan, M.F. and Morsel, J.T. (2007). Impact of enxymatic treatment on chemical composition, physiochemical properties and radical scavening activity of goldenberry (Physalis peruviana) juice. Journal of the Sience of Food and Agriculture. 87: 452-460.
  23. Ramires, F., Fischer, G., Davenport, T.L., Pinzon, J.C.A. and C. Ulrichs (2013). Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) phenology according to the BBCH phenological scale. Scientia Horticulturae.162: 39-42.
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  25. Rodrigues, E., Rockenbach, I.V., Cataneo, C., Gonzaga, L.V., Chaves, E.S. and Fett, R. (2009). Minerals ad essential fatty acids of the exotic fruit Physalis peruviana L. Cliencia e Technologia de Alimentos. 29(3): 642-645.
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