Agricultural Reviews

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 37 issue 2 (june 2016) : 133-140

Achieving food sovereignty through water conservation: A review

Bariot Hafif*
1<p>Lampung Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology,&nbsp;Jl. Z.A. Pagar Alam No. Ia Bandar Lampung, 35145, Indonesia.</p>
Cite article:- Hafif* Bariot (2016). Achieving food sovereignty through water conservation: A review . Agricultural Reviews. 37(2): 133-140. doi: 10.18805/ar.v37i2.10738.

Food sovereignty is the rights of every nation to maintain and develop skills in producing basic foods, with respect for cultural and product diversity. The food sovereignty of a nation would be viable provided that the natural resources essential for plant growth are available and one of them is water. However, the increase of water demand far exceeds its availability, thus water shortage for agriculture with, as water is also needed by other organisms.  As a tropical country, Indonesia has sufficient water supplies from both rainfall and groundwater. With good water management and conservation strategy, it should suffice the demand.  Therefore, save the water movement as part of water sustainability program would highly contribute in achieving sustainable food production hence food sovereignty in the long run.

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