Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

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  • NAAS Rating 4.84

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 33 issue 4 (december 2012) : 333-340


R. Kannan
1Department of Plant Protection, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Vallanad-628 252, India
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Cite article:- Kannan R. (2025). TOBACCO STREAK VIRUS IN PLANTS - A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 33(4): 333-340. doi: .
Tobacco streak virus is the type member in ILAR (Isometric labile Ringspot) virus of family Bromoviridae which causes severe yield losses in vegetables, oilseeds and pulses. The symptoms of the disease appear as necrosis of leaf lamina resulting in twisting of the leaf. The necrosis extends through to the petiole and stem and finally terminate at tip of the shoot of the plant. The plants fail to produce flowers if infected early and finally die. The disease was found to infect the crop at all stages starting from seedling to maturity. It has a wide host range and survives mainly on weed hosts during the off season. The virus can be transmitted through sap similar to that of Tobacco mosaic virus. In addition, it is transmitted through  insects especially thrips. The infomration of its occurrence, spread, characterization and detection in various crops are discussed in detail.
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