Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

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  • NAAS Rating 4.84

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 21 issue 3 (september 2000) : 199-204


V. J. Shivankar, C.N. Rao, Shyam Singh
1National Research Centre for Citrus, Shankarnagar, Nagpur-440 010, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Shivankar J. V., Rao C.N., Singh Shyam (2025). STUDIES ON CITRUS PSYLLA, DIAPHORINA CITRI KUWAYAMA : A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 21(3): 199-204. doi: .
Citrus Psylla (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) is one of the serious insect pests of citrus in North India especially in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and also in Maharashtra but is of minor importance in South India. The nymphs and adults suck cell sap causing curling of leaves, defoliation, flower drop and death of branches from tip to downwards which is known as die back. To contain citrus psylla a host of researchers have tried various management tactics. Psylla management aspects like plant tolerance, biological control, microbial, chemical control, spray oils and IGR's have been discussed in this review article. Among the various citrus species evaluated against psylla sour orange, sangtra mandarin, rough lemon, citrange, citrus cvs fagan beauty, waterkloof sweet orange and valencia sweet orange are reported to be showing resistance to psylla. The parasitoid, Tainarixia radiata (Waterston) is one of the promising parasite among the host of natural enemies for regulating the psylla population throughout the world. Control measures like insecticides, botanicals, spray oils and insect growth regulators have been tried against citrus psylla with encouraging results based on which recommendations have been made. Two to three sprays of monocrotophos/dimethoate/thiodemeton at 10–15 day interval or soil application with aldicarb/dimethoate @ 16 ml a.i. per tree or trunk treatment with azodrin were found to be effective against citrus psylla.
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