Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

  • Online ISSN 0976-0741

  • NAAS Rating 4.84

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 21 issue 2 (june 2000) : 110-115


Mangal Sain
1Directorate of Rice Research Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Sain Mangal (2025). BIONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF RICE WHORL MAGGOTHYDRELUA SPP. (DIPTERA : EPHYDRIDAE) - A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 21(2): 110-115. doi: .
The rice whorl maggot Hydrellia spp. is a pest of rice mainly in irrigated ecosystem. It causes 20–30% yield loss on the first crop during April–September but the infestation was less in the second crop. The taxonomic characters and host plants of Hydrellia spp. viz., Hydrellia philippina, Hydrellia sasakii and Hydrellia griseola were described. The adult insects prefer places with abundant calm water and less vegetation. Eggs to adult period is normally 25–28 days. The maggots of the fly feed on unopened leaves and nibbles the inner margins. Conspicuous linear feeding lesions are visible when the central leaf opens. Hydrellia philippina is a multivoltine species with overlapping generations under field conditions. The bionomics and management of rice whorl maggot have been reviewed.
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