Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

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  • NAAS Rating 4.84

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 23 issue 3 (september 2002) : 175 - 184


K. Kanaka Durga*
1Department of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, ANGRAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030, India
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  • First Online |

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Cite article:- Durga* Kanaka K. (2025). LEAF BLIGHT EXSEROHILUM TURCICUM(PASS.) OF SORGHUM - A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 23(3): 175 - 184. doi: .
Leaf blight is one of the most widely distributed and at times damaging foliage pathogens of the sorghum. It is caused by Exserohilum furcicum, belongs to the class Deuteromycetes and the order Fungi imperfecti. It causes large, elongated, spindle-shaped spots, measuring several cm in length and up to few cm in width having straw/grey colored center and surrounded by a deeply pigmented margin, which darken during sporulation. With the advancement of disease several spots coalesce together killing large patches of the leaf blade. It primarily attacks leaf blade but under extended disease conducive environment it may also attack leaf sheaths and total leaf wilting occurs under heavy infected conditions.
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