Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 25 issue 4 (december 2004) : 252 • 266


M.R. Latha, R. Indirani, S. Kamaraj
1Department of SOU Science and Agricultural Chemistry TamU Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003. India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Latha M.R., Indirani R., Kamaraj S. (2025). BIOREMEDIATION OF POLLUTED SOILS - A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 25(4): 252 • 266. doi: .
The pressure on soil, the natural resource base for agriculture is increasing due to rapid industrialization, intensive agriculture and other anthropogenic activities which have caused land degradation, environmental pollution and a decline in the crop productivity and sustalnabillty. Bioremediation is off late emerging asa versatile tool for remedy of contaminated soils. The development of a strong scientific base for bioremediation technologies is required, if rationally designed and optimized process are to be introduced. The method uses indigenous micro flora or added specific microorganisms to help in biodegradation of pollutants and recovery of land and ground water. There are also several constraints that should be overcome to use this technique successfully as a tool for remediation of contaminated soils. The application of Bioremediation in abatement of soil pollution is briefly discussed in this review paper
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