Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

  • Print ISSN 0253-1496

  • Online ISSN 0976-0741

  • NAAS Rating 4.84

Frequency :
Bi-monthly (February, April, June, August, October & December)
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Agricultural Reviews, volume 27 issue 3 (september 2006) : 191 - 199


Ravi K. Hosamani, Rachna Gulati, S.K. Sharma
1Department of Entomology CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - 125 004, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Hosamani K. Ravi, Gulati Rachna, Sharma S.K. (2025). BIOECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF HONEYBEE MITE, TROPILAELAPS CLAREAE DELFINADO AND BAKER - A REVIEW. Agricultural Reviews. 27(3): 191 - 199. doi: .
Breeding schemes are ordinarily based on natural and or controlled mating system in a crop species. The presence of sporophytic self-incompatibility presents hurdles in the yield improvement programme of niger. The practical application of self-incompatibility in niger breeding is still unexplored. Thus, the work on these aspects is reviewed and discussed in this paper. The constraints and strategies for improvement of yield in niger crop are suggested.
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