Agricultural Reviews

  • Chief EditorPradeep K. Sharma

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Agricultural Reviews, volume 34 issue 1 (march 2013) : 21-35


Bijay Kumar Chaudhari*, Mahendra Singh, P.K. Maurya, A.K. Singh, J.K. Singh1
1National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal- 132 001, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Chaudhari* Kumar Bijay, Singh Mahendra, Maurya P.K., Singh A.K., Singh1 J.K. (2025). STRESS MARKERS IN THE PLASMA AND MILK OF MURRAH BUFFALOES DURING SUMMER. Agricultural Reviews. 34(1): 21-35. doi: .
India has acquired the distinction of being the highest milk producing country in the world since 1998 with an annual growth rate of 4-5 %.  The estimated milk production in India is about 110 million tons (2008-09).   Buffaloes contribute about 55 % of the total milk production and occupy an important place in the agricultural economy of India due to its better adaptability to harsh climatic conditions, tolerance to tropical diseases and survival under poor crop residue feeding and management practices (Gupta, 1997; Indian Dairyman, 2010).  Inspite of this the inherent potential of buffalo productivity can be augmented by appropriate measures to alleviate heat stress. The best way to deal with heat stress is to take the managemental measures to ameliorate its detrimental effects. In the recent time a number of plasma and milk biomarkers have been identified which could be used to find out the stress condition in animals. The present review discusses the various biomarkers and their application to further augment the milk production of buffaloes under tropical climatic conditions.
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